+43664 311 84 75My belief
Every company and every organization is different. It is therefore all the more important to respond to the individual situation of a company and to work out customized solutions in cooperation. From time to time it is necessary to question the existing business model and to carefully consider whether it is still up-to-date or future-proof. Only companies which are able to reinvent themselves in this fast-moving world, without losing their identity, will be able to survive in the long run.
It is precisely in such phases where an external sparring partner with an unbiased and objective view is irreplaceable. We help you to break down existing walls and take your business model up to the next level.
- For more than 25 years in IT and Software Deveopment
- Thereof 5 years as CTO and Managing Director
- 5 years as CIO
- 7 years as Product Owner
- Expert in Business Analysis, Digital Transformation Concepts, Project Management, Innovation Management, Product Ownership and Requirements Engineering
- Novomatic Group
- Admiral Sportwetten
- M.I.T Experience
- And many more (unter NDA)
Current Projects
CIO consulting and interim CIO in the real estate industry
Aim of the project: to merge the heterogeneous IT landscapes of two of the largest real estate companies in Europe. Data and processes from more than 40 applications were migrated and the complete IT infrastructure was integrated.
Consulting and development of a platform for the insurance industry
The project objective was the digital transformation of fund-based life insurance products. Due to the new MiFID II and IDD compliance rules, it was necessary to develop a completely new multi-sided platform for all ecosystem participants, i.e. investors, consultants, insurance companies and sales organisations. The platform supports a permanent control and better overview of the investments. Additional functions such as monitoring, messaging and an integrated Robo-Advisor lead to higher transparency and performance for investors
Digital certificates of authenticity for premium products
The aim of the project is to develop a platform that provides digital certificates of authenticity for tracking, protecting and securing European premium products against counterfeits from mainly (Far) Eastern countries. For this purpose, the products are secured by NFC tags on the items, secured by a unique digital identity stored on the block chain. Consumers can easily scan and verify the originality of these products via NFC scanners on their smartphones. The first showcase for this complex technology project is the Premium Gin BLOCKGIN, which has been produced exclusively for this purpose.